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Boost Your Cycling Performance with Over-Unders

Boost Your Cycling Performance with Over-Unders

When it comes to cycling training, finding the right workout to build power, endurance, and mental toughness is key. Over-unders are one of the best training methods to elevate your cycling game. Whether you're prepping for a race, aiming to push your limits on your weekend ride, or enhancing your fitness, over-unders are designed to make you stronger and faster.

In this guide, we'll break down over-under workouts, why they’re effective, and how to fuel your sessions with the right nutrition.

What Are Over-Unders?

Over-unders are structured interval workouts that involve alternating between riding above and below your lactate threshold. This constant shift in intensity pushes your body to manage lactate more efficiently, delaying the onset of fatigue during hard efforts. These sessions help simulate race conditions, where you'll need to handle surges and short bursts of high intensity, followed by recovery while still pedaling hard.

Benefits of Over-Unders for Cyclists

Whether you're new to cycling or a seasoned pro, over-unders have significant benefits:

  • Increase Lactate Threshold: Build your endurance by raising the point at which your muscles start to fatigue.
  • Improve Recovery: Train your body to recover quickly between hard efforts, allowing you to maintain a strong pace throughout your ride.
  • Mental Resilience: Over-unders challenge your mental toughness by pushing through discomfort during hard efforts.
  • Prepare for Race Conditions: Simulate surges that occur in races or group rides, giving you the edge when it counts.

Fueling Your Over-Under Sessions

Maximizing performance during high-intensity sessions like over-unders requires proper fueling. Here’s how to fuel before, during, and after your workout to keep energy levels high and ensure optimal recovery.

Pre-Session Fueling

To prepare for the intense efforts of over-unders, eat a carb-based snack 60-90 minutes before your session. Try a C30 Fuel Bar or a Mocha Protein & Energy Bar. These options will provide you with a sustained release of energy to power through the intervals.

During the Session

While you’re tackling tough intervals, sipping on a C30 Sports Drink can help you maintain your energy and hydration levels. Proper fueling during the workout will help you stay strong through the "over" phases and recover faster during the "under" efforts.

Post-Session Recovery

After the workout, recovery is key. Replenish your glycogen stores and protein with a P30 Recovery Drink Mix, which is especially important if you have another ride or training session the next day. Effective recovery helps build strength and prevents muscle fatigue.

Over-Under Workouts for Cyclists

Here are two different over-under workouts to try, whether you're a beginner or an advanced cyclist.

💡 Beginner Over-Unders: 40/20’s and 30/30’s

These shorter intervals are perfect for beginners, introducing you to the intensity of over-unders without overwhelming you.

40/20’s Over-Unders (Beginner):
4 x 6-minute sets:

  • 40 seconds @ RPE 7-8 (Hard effort)
  • 20 seconds @ RPE 5-6 (Moderate effort)
    Rest 3-4 minutes between sets.

30/30’s Over-Unders (Beginner):
4 x 6-minute sets:

  • 30 seconds @ RPE 7-8 (Hard effort)
  • 30 seconds @ RPE 5-6 (Moderate effort)
    Rest 3-4 minutes between sets.

🔥 Advanced Over-Unders: 40/20’s Using FTP

For more experienced cyclists, this advanced workout uses your Functional Threshold Power (FTP) to dial in precision and ensure you're pushing the limits.

40/20’s Over-Unders (Advanced):
5 x 8-minute sets:

  • 40 seconds @ 105-110% of FTP (Hard effort)
  • 20 seconds @ 90% of FTP (Moderate effort)
    Rest 3-4 minutes between sets.

Pro Tip: Use a power meter during advanced sessions to keep your intensity in check and mimic race conditions where surges are constant.

Why Over-Unders are the Key to Your Cycling Success

Incorporating over-unders into your weekly cycling training will not only improve your performance but also boost your endurance and mental toughness. By alternating between high-intensity efforts and controlled recovery, you’ll develop the fitness required to tackle long climbs, hold your own in group rides, and finish strong in races.

Final Thoughts: Fuel, Train, Recover

Whether you’re working on your endurance or preparing for a big race, over-unders are a versatile workout that brings significant gains. Remember that fueling your body properly before, during, and after these intense efforts is key to staying strong and recovering well for your next ride.

Try these workouts, dial in your nutrition, and feel the difference next time you’re out on the road!

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